Tuesday 5 May 2020

Life in the Time of Coronavirus 5

Yesterday I had a Zoom meeting at work! I had never used Zoom before - and it looked like not many other staff had either! I downloaded the app and logged in with the Meeting ID that our HR department at the theatre had sent me. I managed to get in - and saw various other staff - some from Box Office I aw Lou and Lynds - waiting for it to start. No idea who could see me! Fiona - one of the Directors kicked off the meeting with an update - although she had terrible internet connection so she kept dropping out. Eventually she had to go to audio only. It was nice to see her though - and her house looked lovely!

The gist was that they still have no idea when theatres will be allowed to open again. A very few staff are in the building - including some BO who are not furloughed. They are getting through refunds and have raised £11000 for the theatre asking customers to donate their ticket money rather than having a refund - to help keep the theatre going.

Us staff who are on furlough were told that we may be asked to take some holiday during this time - and TOIL time - as they don't want us to be owed loads of time off when we get back to work. They are also looking at training for us while we are off.

Tracy - head of HR said they would be holding coffee mornings online for people to pop in and have a chat with colleagues. So we don't forget who our colleagues are! No-one can go into the building for any reason unless they call ahead as strict H&S rules are being followed

They have a tentative schedule for shows from September - but can't release that to the public until we definitely know we can open by then. Everything is up in the air.

After the meeting I saw a news article from The Stage which said that theatres probably would open until social distancing was o longer needed - probably next year!

Today (Tuesday) I had to drive to Hanley to deliver some documents to my dad's solicitor. They are his original deeds which couldn't be trusted to the post! I had arranged with his solicitor Natalie - that I could just put them through the door of their Hanley Office. Laura and I parked at Tesco - expecting to see a queue in the car park - but it was really quiet. I think the panic buying had subsided now. it was scary in the first week of lockdown to see empty shelves at our local Sainsbury - something we don't even see at the busiest Christmas time.

Shelves in Sainsbury 18th March 2020

It was like walking through a ghost town, as Hanley itself was also deserted - very strange for such a usually busy town. No shops open - except for Wikinsons - where there was a socially distanced queue outside - most people wearing masks. Life is pretty much like being in some zombie apocalypse film now - it all seems so unreal!

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